Film analysis: Bathman.

Enough art, music and fun! It's time to get serious as we delve into the 1982 cult classic Bathman dal pianeta Eros directed by Antonio D'Agostino - who here goes under the pseudonym Richard Bennett. Of all the Batman film adaptations, this is by far the most underrated and least appreciated, which is why I've chosen…

Film analysis: Pipe dreams.

For my next analysis I've chosen the stylistically avant-garde and meticulously crafted Laying Pipe With The Bros. I will untangle the complex and - often deliberately - misleading narrative to reveal the hidden meaning buried beneath the surface. All my claims will be thoroughly scrutinized and confirmed by historical sources, theoretical essays and firmly established scientific…

Film analysis: Giantess – fact or fiction.

In my following analysis of the obscure and severely underrated movie Giantess Facesitting, I will deconstruct and examine the film from a scientific perspective with reference to academic publications and theories that support my claims. A strong opening. I will start by examining the opening credits and how they are constructed. In a creative and innovative…